India's Gaming Industry is estimated to be around Rs. 90 billion in 2020. With advergaming boom, there is a sudden spike in demand for proficient game designers. At RKICE, we start teaching you from the foundational level and move up to various intricacies of interactive game designing. After successful course completion, you would have learnt the following skills. Drawing & Sketching, Clay Modeling, Autodesk Maya, 3Ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Pixologic Z Brush.
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India's Gaming Industry is estimated to be around Rs. 90 billion in 2020. With advergaming boom, there is a sudden spike in demand for proficient game designers. At RKICE, we start teaching you from the foundational level and move up to various intricacies of interactive game designing. After successful course completion, you would have learnt the following skills. Drawing & Sketching, Clay Modeling, Autodesk Maya, 3Ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Pixologic Z Brush.